Sunday, April 25, 2004

Protect the Right to Choose: John Kerry believes that women have the right to control their own bodies, their own lives, and their own destinies. He believes that the Constitution protects their right to choose and to make their own reproductive choices in consultation with their doctor, their conscience, and their God. John Kerry will defend this right as President, and will appoint only pro-choice judges to the Supreme Court. Kerry also believes that we should promote family planning and health plans should assure women contraceptive coverage.

The big issue is with Kerry receiving The Eucharist. I am not an expert in the issue of abortion, but I know a thing or two about law and the Constitution and politics. The one thing I do know is that person can not be pro-choice and pro-life at the same time. At least this is the impression I have had for years. Ever since I realized what abortion was and what happens during one, I have been pro-life and anyone that has been pro-choice was blind to the fact that they were responsible for killing millions of babies every year. This has been a problem, because I am basically a Democrat and all Democrats have to be pro-choice. What I have realized in my studies is that the earlier presumption about the distinction between the two groups was in error. The word “choice” is the key word in all of this. The above section was pulled off of a Kerry website. Nowhere in it does Kerry say he is for abortion. He does not say that he would choose abortion over life. He says he is for the freedom to choice.

The big talk these days is about God and politics and government and putting God in the courthouses and in our pledge. The thing we must remember is that, even though the founding fathers put God in the Constitution, they also stated that Religion and Government should be separate. The reason for this is so that no one person can use their place in government to force their religious beliefs on others using the laws of this country. If you feel that abortion is immoral and you will not receive it because of your beliefs, you have every right to do so. If there was a religion that said a family should only have 2 children and any pregnancy after that will be aborted, that is a belief they have. You would not want that religious belief to be made law in this country. We have many different religions and the number of different ideologies grows daily. What makes this country great is the fact that all different religions can live together. This is made possible by the fact that religion and government are separate.

Catholics are strictly against a member having an abortion. In this country, what a politician does in their private life and what they stand for politically an be different. If Kerry is a strict obeying Catholic then he does not use any type contraceptive. Do you think there is any politician that in this day in age would campaign on a law against contraception? If Catholics think a body is a sacred temple, Catholic politicians should make laws against pre-marital sex, plastic surgery, or any type of surgery or medical advance that would be used for a reason other than saving your life. But we don’t ask that of any of them. A good Catholic should obey the teachings and rules set out by the Bible and Tradition and those stated by the Vatican, but it has never been the duty of an American politician to force their religious beliefs upon the people through government. That is not the platform for religion and anyone pushing religion through politics should reread the Constitution and try and understand freedom and stop trying to trample on it.

Just for the record I am completely against abortion. I wonder why the groups are pro-life and pro-choice instead of pro-choice and no-choice. I am a pro-choice-anti-abortion. It is a new group dedicated to saving babies and freedom. We can educate young people about sex and pregnancy without taking away their freedoms and I believe this is the path we should choose.


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