Friday, January 01, 2010

Jan. 1st, 2010 - Genesis 1

The first six days of creation. There is a lot in this chapter to write about and there are some things it made me think about, so I will just list a couple of things to think about.

Look at the connection between the days.
1-4 both dealing with light and dark. 1-Creation of night and day.... 4-Creation of sun and Moon. 2-5 Sea and sky. 2 Is the seperating of sea and sky. 5 Filling the sea and sky with life. 3-6 Land 3 Making the dry land 6 Putting living creatures on the dry land.

Man's dominiun over all the creatures. I am a person who had pets growing up. I loved them very much and I think pets are great companions, but I also took part in butchering pigs and chickens and love to eat meat. I think sometimes we can get things a little out of wack when we talk about animals rights and what we need to do for them. I am not for being cruel to animals, but they have a place and they are not on the same level as us in that they should have similar rights as we do.

I have been thinking about dinosaurs lately. (Paul just got up-Pause in thought) I don't know where they fit in. The Bible is not a science book and is not meant to explain science related questions. Dinosaurs weren't discovered until the 1800's, so those the wrote the Bible would have no idea about them. What I was thinking is that they were created for us. The earth wasn't ready for humans way back when and dinosaurs were created to roam the earth. God also knew that humans would not have survived with them, so they were taken away before we were created. Anyway, it was just something I was thinking about.

Maybe this would be a good time to let everyone know I have no theological training. Whatever I write are usually just thoughts from someone on a journey. I am Catholic and probably some of what I write will be biased in that way, but I encourage everyone to share there thoughts.

So there is day one. I will be posting this on my blog as well. I am planning on whenever I finish a relfection or setting up a day I will click on the "Message all Members". Let me know what you think, any suggestions and please share your own thoughts on the readings.


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