Sunday, April 25, 2010

April 25, 2010 – Matthew 25:31-26:16

Three scenes in this reading.  The parable of the sheep and goats judgment, the anointing of Jesus and Judas getting his 30 pieces of silver.  We all know the judgment of the sheep and the goats and the familiar what you did to the least of my people you did to me.  Do we really practice this in our lives.  I have a bit of an advantage in some ways because of my job.  My job is to represent people in court that cannot afford attorneys.  I help those that cannot help themselves.  Although there are many days that my job is not enjoyable, this view and this parable helps me keep going.  It is a sacrifice to do my job and I do have to deal with people everyday that if I had a choice I would not associate with. 

Granted, some of the people that I represent are not the most kind, gracious, or even what we consider good people.  They have done things that are not allowed and in some cases hurt their children in ways that they may never truly understand.  But the parable doesn’t say when you visited people in prison that were wrongly accused.  Everyone, even those we might consider scum of the earth, are God’s creation and deserve to be treated in such a way.  I do struggle with my job and the position I am put in sometimes, but it is an opportunity of grace every time I am able to fight my worldly instincts and help that person.      


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