Thursday, October 07, 2010

October 7, 2010 – Catechism 535-540

We see in Jesus Baptism the same attitude that Peter has at the washing of the feet.  They do not think they are worthy to do what is being asked of them because of who they believe Jesus to be.  I don’t know if I have ever felt the humble.  When God calls me to do something, I usually take the bull by the horns and go for it.  I am trying to think of a time I thought God called me to something and I thought, “I am not worthy for this task.”  Now that I am thinking about that, I am not sure what to make of it.  I am very humble, or at least I have been told that, in some regards but I know in others I am pretty arrogant and really believe I can do it better that the average bear.  It is probably a dangerous prayer to pray, but I think I want the chance to think I am not worthy for something God calls me for, instead of thinking I can handle it without much trouble.  And after thinking I am not worthy, tackle it anyway because God reassures me that this is His will, like He did for John and Peter.  Well see what comes of that. 

What was Satan thinking.  Did he really think Jesus would sin.  It makes you wonder what Satan’s thought process was.  Did he know Jesus was God.  I think so.  Did he know that Jesus would not sin.  Obviously not, or he would not have attempted.  So, what does Satan think about God.  Is his understanding of God so twisted after eternity in separation and opposition to God that he forgot who God is.  Has it been so long twisting and manipulating humans with success, he thought he could tempt God.  We get so used to a way of doing things we forget that it used to be different.  Do you remember when phones had cords, mail was used to communicate, or New Kids on the Block was popular.  Its foggy to me too.  I think Satan has spent so much time not being challenged on earth, he really thought Jesus would give in.  He had no sense of God or Jesus’ obedient will or what lengths Jesus was going to go to defeat Satan. 

This makes me think about Christ crucifixion from Satan’s angle.  Satan was so long on earth that he had persuaded himself that in order for God to defeat him and his minions on earth, God was going to have to become a very powerful leader on earth and defeat him by force.  So, God sends Christ as a humble poor carpenter.  Christ preaches love and peace.  Satan offers Him power and nations, hoping to buy Him off with what he believes He is trying to get.  When he sees Christ becoming popular with the peasants and gaining followers, he possesses the powerful to kill Him, thinking he is defeating Him before He builds His army.  I don’t know if I have ever thought about Satan’s point of view.  He has such a complete separation from God that he cannot come up with any strategy that will ever defeat God.  He fights the way a human would fight, he cannot comprehend how God works.         


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