Thursday, November 18, 2010

November 18, 2010 – Sirach 40

V15 - Seeds with no roots – Remember this for tomorrow’s reading

We see it reaped over and over again how important it is to have a good wife.  Marriage, that bond, that relationship, that small family community is so important to the well being of not only those growing up in the household, but  the community in which they live.  That being said, I read an article today that shows our nation is taking the opposite view when it comes to marriage and families.

Among the study’s key findings:

•in 2008, 52% of adults were married (vs. 72% in 1960)

•in 2008, 26% of adults in their 20s were married (vs. 68% in 1960)

•only 32% of Americans believe that premarital sex is wrong (vs. 68% in 1969)

•63% of Americans believe that a same-sex couple with children is a family

•60% of mothers with children under three are in the labor force (vs. 34% in 1975)

•41% of babies born in 2008 were born to unmarried mothers (vs. 5% in 1960)

That last one is what really shocked me.  The whole understanding of what a family is, is being destroyed and swept away.  This is not something that’s effects will be felt immediately but something that will not have its true weight felt for years and generations to come.  Pray that things turn around.  God intended for children to be brought up in a home with a mom and a dad and a marriage that is committed and lived out in with faithfulness and love.  Where will the “family” definition go if this trend continues or will the word family mean anything.


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