Monday, April 18, 2011

April 18, 2011 – Numbers 6

I think it is interesting that we have this whole chapter on the Nazirites, yet it doesn’t seem to be a connection to Jesus, the Nazarene.  There is mention of St. John the Baptist because he was called to live this type of life, and Samuel and Samson, but doesn’t it seem a huge coincidence that Jesus would come from Nazareth and there isn’t a connection really made to this life style.  There is mention that St. Paul might have lived this way for a period of time as well. 

Here is something that is just me thinking and is not something I found anywhere.  The Nazirite was someone set apart, living a life not connected to the normal way of living.  Could this be something, not related to Jesus, who was born in Bethlehem, lived in Egypt, came to Nazareth, but pointing to Mary, who was originally from Nazareth.  A Nazirite could be male or female, so Mary could have been.  And this points to her being set aside for a purpose, not partaking of normal lifestyle, pointing to her virginity.  It just seems like the two, Nazareth and Nazirite should be connected some how.     


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