Monday, October 03, 2011

October 3, 2011 – Deuteronomy 11

Once again, he is saying that they saw these things, yet that isn’t true. Their generation was not in Egypt because they are all gone. This appears to be said so often that I wonder if this speech was given at an earlier time in the journey, or at least some parts of it.

We see the obligation to teach your children the law and way of God. That is an obligation that I take very serious and it scares me sometimes thinking about that responsibility. Knowing who I am, the flaws I have, understanding I cannot teach what I do not know, it scares me to think that my children have my knowledge as a cap and cannot exceed that. That is an exaggeration, obviously they can look to other sources, but they will learn much at home and so I am the educator. It encourages me to keep learning and trying to pass things on. To be responsible for a person is a great responsibility. Sometimes you worry about whether you are up to it or not. Pray for all parents and their struggle as leader and teacher of their children.


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