Sunday, November 13, 2011

November 13, 2011 – Zechariah 8 – 9

Here we have the oracle of the King’s entry into Jerusalem. Riding on a donkey. What could they have thought of this. It was an animal with no respect as compared to a horse. Would you even want the king that came riding on a donkey. You wouldn’t respect them. Yet this is what God was trying to get across, as throughout so much of the Bible, your ways are not My ways. Humble and gentle will be the king that comes. Peace and Love will He bring, not the sword and war that would be represented by and soldier king on a mighty steed. When you look for the king to come, look for a humble and obedient servant. When we read about Palm Sunday, remember that the Jews knew their scripture very well and so did the enemies of Christ. When they see Christ coming in on a donkey, this had to send of red flags in the leaders and it sent up cheers in the crowds. But still, you have to wonder if the people cheering for Christ fully understood that their new King was not a King of this world. You wonder if they were cheering for the right reasons. Did they see Him coming to free them from the tyranny that they lived under in the world. Did they understand He had come to free them from the tyranny of sin that they all suffered from. If they had known that, would they have cheered or would they have not really understood. Would they look for another. Would the leaders had worried so much about Him if they thought the new King was there to conquer their sin too.


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