Tuesday, December 20, 2011

December 20, 2011 – Luke 24:13 – 24:53

I love the Road to Emmaus story. Have you ever seen it as a clear description of the Mass. Here is a simple breakdown.First, Christ appeared to them and walked with them. The Priest of a Catholic Mass is in the place of Christ and begins Mass by walking in among us or with us.Second, Christ breaks open the Scriptures. This is what happens at the Liturgy of the Word. Readings from Scriptures and the Gospels are read and a homily is given that is suppose to break them open and reveal their meaning to us. Thirdly, Christ is revealed in the breaking of the Bread. This is a clear description of the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Christ is made present to us in a special and unique way in the consecrated Eucharist. After we receive Christ in the Eucharist, that form disappears and is held inside us giving us grace and peace. Fourth, they, being filled with Christ’s Grace, go out and share what they have received. This is what we are called to do after Mass. After all that we have received we are called to take that gift out and share it with the world. The entire story is a formulation of the very Mass we celebrate today, laid out on the first Easter.


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