Saturday, February 25, 2012

February 25, 2012 – 2 Maccabees 7

This is a very graphic scene of martyrdom. We usually only think of martyrs coming during the Christian era, but here we see Jewish martyrs, laying down their lives in the most cruel ways to uphold the law of God. And the topper is that this was done in front of the mother. Not only did the mother witness this, but encouraged her sons to stand firm to God’s law. What an inspirational scene. In a world of relativism in which people change their beliefs to the most easily attainable, we should be inspired to seek Truth and to stick to Truth with our dying breath. Everything that calls us away from that is like the King tempting the youngest son with goods and power. We are called to seek God alone and if that means suffering and pain, that is not to be avoided. The path of least resistance is not the path God calls us to. The easy way is not the best way. Imagine how these 8 rejoiced when Christ came down and brought them up to Heaven for their full and eternal reward.


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