Sunday, April 22, 2012

April 22, 2012 – John 6:52 - 7:13

John 6:66 – The number 666 is always connected with evil.  I imagine there is no coincidence then that this verse is about disciples leaving Jesus.  I have heard a lot of talks on the Eucharist and most of them point to this verse and the disciples actions to help prove the Catholic teaching on Eucharist.  In a couple lines, the argument goes, if Jesus was talking about something spiritual or symbolic when He said eat My Flesh, they would not have left, because the is not a hard teaching.  They would only have left if they thought He meant to eat is actual flesh.  And if Jesus thought they misunderstood Him and He did mean it was spiritual or symbolic, He would have stopped them or corrected Himself.  This was not done.  They left and He let them. 

But I wanted to look at is that they are “disciples” that left.  Many times we here the “crowds” followed Him or “people”, but here is specifically says that His “disciples” left.  These were people that believed in Him and were following Him for at least a period of time and ”one who embraces and assists in spreading the teachings of another.”  (definition from the internet)  So, they were not just anybody that picked up and left and followed Him no longer. 

I am listening to a commentary on John as we read through it.  He makes a very big deal about the Jewish Feast that John makes reference to.  The Feast of Tabernacles plays a big role in the next several chapters (Jesus’ discourse and teachings all take place during this feast).  I thought I would look up something about it and write on that.  It appears to be much like our Thanksgiving, giving thanks for the harvest.  It is also the Feast that the Temple was dedicated, both the original and the rebuilt Temple.  You are to build a shelter or booth, much like they would have built in the Wilderness of 40 years.  These booths is where eating and drinking would be done throughout the week.  I have also read that the Transfiguration happened during this Feast and that is why Peter says we should build tents or booths for the three.  I had never heard of the seven shepherds of Israel: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Joseph and David.  Evidently they are a part of each of the nights and teach different lessons as you go through the week.  Shemini Atzeret is either the last day of this feast or a Feast all on its own.  The commentary points out that the focus of the Feast is a Celebration of Water and Light.  Keep these all in mind as we read through these chapters.


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