Wednesday, December 19, 2012

December 19, 2012 – Catechism 2012 – 2029

Every step we take should be a step towards this perfect union with God.  That does not mean that every step is going to be a joyful one.  Christ suffered greatly and He was completely innocent.  Why would we expect a journey that unites us with Him to be devoid of suffering?  It only makes sense that to fully unite with Christ, there must be suffering. 

I don’t think we often see grace as the help that God gives us.  We also don’t fully understand that we cannot get there without his help.  Going it alone is arrogance, but that is the message preached by the “not religion” groups.  You don’t need a guide or a group.  You can fully find God on your own.  This leads not to finding God, but to each individual forming their own image of God to worship.  They may do so innocently but they do it nonetheless.  It is the shepherds that teach this path that are the ones that will truly pay.


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