December 6, 2012 – Psalms 106:32 – 107:16
I have never put that before, but the thought I had when I read this stunned me and I wanted to share it even though it may not be theological or correct. Just know that it was a thought, something to reflect on, but not anything that is taught or that I have heard anywhere before.
When I read verse 38, I was thinking about the stories you hear about Mayans and other civilizations that did human sacrifices. They did that to appease their gods. That led me to think about the gods we have today, our material things, power, etc. What do we sacrifice to get those things? We give our time, our energy, and as you dig deeper, we sacrifice our families, sometimes our very lives to gain those worldly things that we prop up as our gods.
That led me to think about human sacrifices to the gods of today. We may think that it doesn’t happen because we don’t see people being led to the edge of a volcano and being tossed over. But, what is an abortion if not a human sacrifice. And when it is done so that the mother or the couple can afford their house, have their better job, get the nicer car, isn’t that a human sacrifice to the gods we have made of the world. This isn’t about the mother that feels she has no choice or other situations. This is about the person who has the ability to raise a child, gets pregnant, and makes the choice of abortion because they cannot be bothered with the commitment of a child.
I hope there is discussion on this because I am just throwing it out there as something I thought of and would love to hear how off base I am if that is how people feel.
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