Thursday, March 14, 2013

March 14, 2013 – 1 Kings 22:29 – 22:54

This is about the 4th or 5th time in going through these kings that their mother’s name is mentioned. Further proof of the importance of the queen mother in Israel’s tradition and the importance Christ would have placed on His mother and the holy place Catholics give to Mary.

Also, we see further that they name David as his “father” which he was not. There have been generations passing already. This shows that “father” can mean grandfather, great grandfather and beyond. It also makes you reread the 4th commandment about honoring your “father” and how far back that should really go.

We have a good king, yet, there isn’t a whole lot to be said about him. It is almost like a news cast where the bad news gets the bigger story and the story about the good work being done in the soup kitchen gets 30 seconds after sports. There were several chapters on Ahab even though he was bad; there are several verses on Jehoshaphat, even though he did well.


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