Thursday, August 08, 2013

August 8, 2013 – Catechism 2558 – 2565

I saw the heading of the new section was prayer and the thought that went through my head was “great, I am no good at prayer”.  I don’t know why I struggle with it, but I think I do.  I have always excused myself, telling myself that those thoughts I have about different things are little prayers that occur throughout the day, and that may be true, but I believe prayer should be more than that and for me I struggle to make it more.  Then I read that admitting that we do not know how to pray is the quickest way for God to send the Holy Spirit upon us and help us pray.  How refreshing and hopeful I was when I read that.  I hope to really try and digest this last section of the Catechism and really hope that it helps spark that prayer part of my life that is a struggle.


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