Monday, October 21, 2013

October 21, 2013 – Judith 2

The king wants revenge on the whole world.  It is not just world domination that he wants, but revenge, seems to want to wipe out the world, fill ravines with their bodies.  I was trying to think of a figure that had that notion and I came to Hitler.  I don’t know if revenge was on his mind, but that was part of what brought him to power.  He promoted the idea that he was going to punish those that punished Germany after WWI.  Germany was in ruins after the war and Hitler brought them back to life and part of their notion was to take back what they deserved.  Wiping out everyone is also a part of Hitler’s plan, exterminating the non-German as a cleansing.  And this general Holfernes was going about the work.  City after city falls and is destroyed and it seems nothing is going to stop him.  He is basically just going along and mowing people down and fear spreads out in front.  And surrendering isn’t really an option because the king says if they surrender, just keep them until I can get there to punish them.  So, surrendering isn’t going to earn you any mercy. 


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