Tuesday, November 26, 2013

November 26, 2013 – Esther B – 4

Everyone should be taught the same thing in schools, everyone should buy the same types of cloths, everyone should accept gay marriage, everyone should accept abortion and contraception on demand.  If you do not accept these things, you are not a participant in society, you are slowing our progress, you are standing in the way of our country moving forward, you are old fashioned and blind to reality.  This is what I was thinking when I was reading the letter.  The king wanted a united kingdom where everyone followed his laws and did the same things and moved in the same direction and there was no dissent (or difference) among anyone.  Only the Jews were stepping out of step with the rest of the kingdom. They are not following the flow of everyone one else, so they are holding us back from being what we should be.  I just got the feeling that we hear that argument when we stand up for our moral beliefs against the push of secular beliefs that are eroding the world.

We see that Esther is offering herself.  We see her as another precursor to Mary in obeying God’s will, possibly with the result being death, just as we saw with Judith walking out into the jaws of the foreign army.


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