Friday, December 05, 2014

Reflection on July 25, 1984

I found it so interesting the one Pope digesting and unveiling the words of the other Pope. In Humane Vitae it talks about the conforming to the norm, living the normal conjugal relationship in both physical and spiritual. SJPII looks to this as further developed by our study in the theology of the body. But the fact that this is the “normal” way, only points us back to the words of Christ about the way it was in the beginning. But we are not in the beginning, we are after the fall and because of that separation, the world argues that the “normal” way is not sustainable, not achievable, and too hard. That is the argument the world makes for artificial contraception, abortion, divorce, etc. And neither Pope denies that living the “normal” life is easy. Both believe it is difficult, that is takes sacrifice. But both see it as what God intended and it is for our good. We need to strive for that normal in order to achieve a life God meant for us, a life in which we find true happiness and joy. But we need God’s help in getting there. The world moves further away from God and because of this, sees living out this “normal” conjugal life further and further away from possible. Instead of turning to God, they turn to an easy answer to allow them an excuse to avoid “normal”.


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