Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Sunday, June 8th
The landing was fine. I like it better than takeoff. New York was rainy, but still new York. We walked up and down Broadway, around Time Square. The takeoff from New York was rough. Daredevil is on right now and I am sipping on a Roman-Coke. Jenn is asleep. I close my eyes and the place seems to spin, so I do not think I will be getting much sleep. They shut the lids on our windows, nothing really to see anyway. The length from the wings is right in my window. I see some stars but not as many as I thought I might, but oh well. It is 6:18 in England. It will be sunrise soon. We are flying northeast so I should be able to see it when it does. I look forward to that.
Well, I think I may have got 15 minutes of sleep on the flight. We are still above the ocean and about 40 minutes out. Well see if the landing last time was a fluke cause of the clouds. Kinda pissed that everyone is still asleep cause we cannot really raise the window to look out.
Clear skies while there was nothing but blue below us and now that we get to land we get clouds and fog. Spoke to soon, it is starting to break up.
Well, we walked all over London today. Blisters are bad, but you have to figure that would happen. it was quite a lot to see and I wish we could have stayed longer, but those are the breaks. Off to Canterbury tomorrow.


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