Sunday, May 30, 2010

May 30, 2010 – Isaiah 27-28

A few things. 27:4 – God is not angry. We read that he will cut down the dragon, destroy this land or that, let famine kill off here and there, but it is not out of anger. We assume anger is the motivation because when we do something or see something that is violent or destructive, we assume anger is involved in one way or another. God says there is no anger in these actions.

We get the reference to the cornerstone being tested in 28:16. The more familiar saying about the cornerstone which is rejected comes from Psalm 118:22. But this is in the similar line. The cornerstone will be one that is tested and tried. Which is a good thing. You do not want a cornerstone that has not been tested because the stability will not be there.

Third, growing up on the farm I can appreciate the last part of chapter 28. The way I am reading it, God is saying that farmers have a special understanding for what God is trying to do for His chosen people. You cannot have a harvest unless you plow the filled and make the land ready for the seed. You cannot get the produce without harvesting or thrashing the wheat. Getting fruit from the land is not something that comes from doing nothing. God could make it that simple, but that is not what He wants nor would it result in a genuine relationship. He must clear the way so He can plant the seeds. He must harvest the field and sort the fruit from the weeds. Jesus also uses agriculture in many of His parables. I just enjoy the fact that I understand this idea a little more than some because of where I grew up.


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