Sunday, July 11, 2010

July 11, 2010 – Catechism 385-390

We can not understand the true extent of evil without out first recognizing God’s love.  Only with Jesus coming and the infinite Grace that comes with His sacrifice can we understand Adam’s fall and the change it made in all humans to follow.  It struck me that Augustine could not find a source of evil until he became a Christian.  If you read that too quickly, you may come away thinking Christianity is bad, but all it shows is that without Truth in the world everything becomes ok.  So, for all the ideas that we think moral relativism is something new, it is not.  Augustine realized it.  Without Truth, anything can be made valid by the most powerful.  Anything can be made to be good if it obtains a means that is seen as good.  But Christ shows us that there is a Truth and that opposite is an evil and it does exist.  There are things in the world that are wrong and sin does exist, evil exist.  And the Truth is not something that changes.      


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