Friday, July 30, 2010

July 30, 2010 - Acts 16:25-17:15

So, here we get some more adventures of Paul and Barnabas.  We see Paul again using the Old Testament readings to show why Jesus is the Messiah.  You get the sense that anyone with an open mind and heart to Paul is converted.  Those that were never going to be convinced anyway because if Jesus is the Messiah then they would lose their influence and power are the ones that don’t come to believe.  They stir up crowds and mobs and force Paul to move.  I think we must keep that in mind.  No matter how much we may talk or pray for a certain person, if they do not have an open heart, Christ cannot come to them.  I am not saying we should stop praying or trying, but Christ cannot come to someone that is not open to Him.  I think sometimes we may get frustrated when dealing with people that do not have an openness and we are confused to why they won’t change.  Pray that God opens their heart, because without that first step, there is no door for Jesus to walk through. 


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