August 10, 2010 – Nehemiah 3
What I thought of when reading this chapter was the levies during a flood. I remember in Quincy during the 93 flood how everyone was chipping in. It didn’t matter what you did or who you were, everyone was on the levy filling bags and working together. That is what I pictured it like here in this scene. The list is long of the names, but their titles and descriptions of what they did is what stood out to me. Heads of families, merchants in gold, everyone was helping to rebuild these walls. Sometimes circumstances bring unity. I could see that in the flood. We could all see that on Sept. 11th. I think you can sense that in this reading. They had a job and a goal and they worked together to get it done in the midst of naysayers. Although it is mainly just a list of names and places, I found this chapter pretty moving and can really picture the scene of lower class side by side with upper class working together to build these gates and walls.
I link with a picture of the walls as described in this chapter.

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