Sunday, August 15, 2010

August 15, 2010 – Acts 20:25 - 21:26

We see that Paul knows what he is heading into.  Many of us may find ourselves in difficult situations and must react in one way or another, it is a completely different situation than knowing you are going into a situation where you will suffer and still choosing it. 

I am still confused about Paul’s attitude or response to the questions about what different things Jew converts and Gentile converts must do.  We read what was decided at the council in Jerusalem and it is quoted here, yet there have been two examples where Paul goes along with Jewish customs in order to please the Jews.  Or at least that is what appears to happen.  Once, he had a follower circumcised because his father was gentile and he wanted this appearance for the Jews.  Now we see him going along with a Jewish custom of cleaning because of Jewish converts.  It just seems to be giving the wrong message to the Gentile converts.  “We are all Christians and you don’t have to do Jewish customs anymore, accept when it will make things easier and you are still Gentile converts while we are Jewish converts”.  There still appears to be a divide there. 


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