Friday, September 24, 2010

September 24, 2010 – 1 Thessalonians 3-4

I don’t know a great deal about the rapture and the ideas behind it.  It is my understanding that in most cases there will be some moment when believers are taken away and there will be those that are left behind for whatever the next step has in store.  If that is the case, where does Paul’s writing fit into that.  From verses 15-17 in chapter 4, Paul appears to be saying that believers will be left behind until the coming of the Lord.  Only after the dead have been taken up and rise first, then those that are left will be caught up to heaven.  But that is only when the Lord comes down and we meet Him in the clouds.  That appears to be talking about the end times.  So, what is the idea of a time before then when believers are taken.  It appears that if Paul had a chose, he would not be taken, but remain and be left until the end when the Lord comes.  Like I said, I don’t know a lot about rapture theology, I just don’t get the sense that Paul would have wanted to be taken before the Lord came down.


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