Monday, October 11, 2010

October 11, 2010 – Catechism 541-546

When we read the Old Testament we get a different sense of how people act and their attitudes.  We are reading Ecclesiastes and you get a sense of despair or hopelessness.  The world before and after Christ are two completely different worlds.  Before Christ, God had to do certain things to come to Earth and communicate with people.  Through angels, burning bushes, mountains enveloped in clouds, major things.  After Christ came, bring heaven to earth, we have Christ and the Holy Spirit around us much more frequently then those before Christ did. 

This is a great reason to be thankful and give praise, but it is also a reason to regret the things this world still chooses to do.  We have the opportunity and tools to be such a better world than those before Christ had, yet we waste it.  Whether we have gotten too used to having that Love and Goodness around us or we have just chosen to ignore it, the world after Christ has a much greater opportunity to be a loving and peaceful world than those that came before.  It is whether we chose to use it or not.

Everyone is called to enter the Kingdom of God.  This flies in the face of any theology that God has only chosen a select group that will join Him and there is nothing we can do to get on or off that list.  


At 10:20 PM, Anonymous OB said...

In my Theology class, we have had the opportunity to do much reading of the Old Testament and as different as the periods are, I find it amazing how similar the people are. The words of Quoheleth in Ecclesiastes are still very true today. The big thing Quoheleth touches upon is vanity. Even in my life I find myself worrying about what I am going to eat, what I am going to wear, and worrying about things that will not improve my relationship with God. It has humbled me a lot while trying to eliminate these things from my life because vanities are the things the world claim make you human. It is definitely a great challenge to try to eliminate vanity from your life.


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