Saturday, November 20, 2010

November 20, 2010 – Catechism 599-605

Don’t you really think there had to be someone, besides Christ, who knew the Scriptures well enough and was in Jerusalem at the time and was just thinking, “oh man, this can’t all be coincidence that all these things are happening”.  Obviously, when the Holy Spirit came, the Apostles were aided in their understanding of how the Old Testament revealed what was going to happen to Christ, but I just picture the one person who was seeing things clicking into place.  I imagine even if he had said anything the authorities would have treated him as we treat the Conspiracy Theory types today.  Pushing him off to the side as a nut or disregarding him.  I think that might make an interesting movie adaption of Christ life, from the perspective of the Conspiracy Theory person who is ignored but those in authority.  As one thing after another is fulfilled he goes and pleads his case and is continually thrown out.  I would watch it anyway. 

Christ died for all.  It isn’t mentioned in this section, but I love the Scripture that talks about us giving our lives for a person.  That we might be able to bring ourselves to do that if we really felt that the person was a good and decent person and worth risking our life.  And that is really just for risking our life.  It would be even more difficult, even for a good person, if it was guaranteed that we were going to die.  We might not be able to do that for the best person we know.  Yet Christ died for us, while we were still sinners, knowing we would still sin, knowing we would turn away from Him, knowing people would hate and ridicule Him, He died for all. 


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