Friday, December 10, 2010

December 10, 2010 – Catechism 631-637

Jesus descended into the realm of the dead and preached the Good News to those that were there.  We understand this happening from His death Friday afternoon to Sunday morning, but time doesn’t work the same in the land after death so we really don’t know how long He spent in the afterlife preaching and getting those that were waiting to get into Heaven ready for the trip.  This trip into the after life to redeem those that had gone before is something I have never heard tackled by the faith alone theology.  If we are saved by faith alone in Christ as our Savior, how did this camp in hell get to be saved if Christ did not come in their lifetime.  Obviously they had faith in God, but that is not what sola fide is about, at least not the way it has been described to me. 


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