Thursday, December 30, 2010

December 30, 2010 – Catechism 659-667

The first paragraph talks about when Christ Ascended into Heaven it was the irreversible entry of his humanity into divine glory”.  I had never thought about it being an irreversible thing.  I have always read and understood it as Christ doing everything once and for all, but more in a way that because it was done in this way it didn’t have to be done again.  The word irreversible makes me think of it in terms of they only had one shot at getting it all done right.  Once Christ ascended, He could not come back and try to save us again.  The next time He comes will be the end.  That makes it all the more reason to be prepared for that second coming.  It is probably somewhat frustrating for God to look down and watch us when we screw things up.  I wonder if He ever thinks about asking Jesus to take another crack at it.  But Jesus looks at Him and reminds Him that He can’t because He can’t go back until the end.  So, God sends us the Holy Spirit to help us along until that day comes.  And yet, we are constantly struggling and not following through on what Christ taught.  I had just never thought about the Ascension in an “irreversible” type of way before.   

Here is something that this made me think of that isn’t really related.  What happened to those the died during the 40 days Christ was with the Apostles before He Ascended.  More intriguing, what happened to those that died between Christ dying and His Resurrection.  We have read about Christ descending into hell and getting those that were waiting for Heaven, but then He doesn’t go to Heaven.  You would hardly think they would go with out Him.  Did they wait a little longer and go to Heaven at the Ascension.  


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