Wednesday, March 09, 2011

March 9, 2011 – Leviticus 25:39 - 26:13

Why do we not do what God wants? The beginning of Chapter 26 lays out all the wonderful things God has in store as long as you follow the commands He has for you. Although this reading ends at verse 13, you probably have a hard time not glancing ahead to the first word on verse 14, BUT. I can imagine the next section is spelling out what happens when we do not follow God’s commandments. So, it is laid out for us pretty clearly. Do or do not, there is no try, as Yoda would say.

Then people will fall back on the excuse that we are not perfect and cannot possibly live a life that lives up to the standard. But that is what we are called to do and living that standard is possible if God is a part of every single aspect in our lives, because all things are possible with God. Do not become discouraged when you fail, resolve to do better next time and to bring God along to help. What a great message as we begin Lent and seek to improve our relationship with God. Remember to ask God what His plan is for you when making your decisions. He cannot help when you do not ask.


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