Monday, March 07, 2011

March 7, 2011 – 1 Corinthians 13 - 14:19

First, I always wondered what the sola fide believers think about 13:13. Faith, hope, and love remain, and the greatest of these is love. Being saved by faith alone does not seem to follow if love is greater than faith. If faith alone is enough to save you, it should be the greatest.

Recently I heard a priest talking about this section on love. He recognized it as a great examination of conscience. Think about your day or your week and then go along these descriptions of love. When have you not been patient or kind? When have you been quick-tempered or brooded over an injury? It is just a great way for us to reflect on our lives and see where we can find improvement and what we need to bring up in our confession.

There is often a misunderstanding of prophesy. Many people think that it must be about predicting the future. That is sometimes what it is, but a better way of describing it is speaking God’s Words. That is what it means to be a prophet. That is what Paul is telling us we should seek out. To be the instrument that God uses to speak His words to others.

Speaking in tongues is something that is very special and yet intimidating to experience. I have never done it myself, but have seen others doing it. I think the analogy that St. Paul uses here in trying to preach to someone that is foreign is a perfect way to describe what he is trying to say. If someone is speaking in tongues and no one understands them, it is like trying to talk to someone in a foreign language; your message will be lost on them.  But if there is someone there to interpret, then the message you are speaking can build up those around you.  As I said, I have never done this, but I have seen it and even though I do not really think it was ever interpreted, seeing the Spirit in action was something in and of itself.


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