Thursday, April 28, 2011

April 28, 2011 – Romans 2

6 - who will repay everyone according to his works.  Where is the sola fide interpretation of what this verse means.  Judgment measured out according to our works. 

Here we see this idea or argument of the Law being enough for salvation, that circumcision is necessary for salvation.  St. Paul is arguing against this idea and the whole idea that if you have the law you are closer to salvation than those that do not.  We can see this idea of the law not being enough in Christ teachings about things like divorce and doing good on the Sabbath.  He was teaching that obeying the laws on the outside, if your heart isn’t committed to God on the outside, is no avail.  If a person is uncircumcised but follows God in his heart, he can obtain salvation. 

And so we come to the cruces of the issue, do you need all these “rules” of the Church to get to salvation or can you just know Christ in your heart and that will be enough.  Many people interpret St. Paul as being a proponent of the latter.  It is their interpretation that this is exactly what St. Paul is saying when he is talking about the teaching on circumcision and that it is not necessary.  He is saying that all these teachings of the Church aren’t necessary either.  All you have to do is believe in Christ, have a relationship with Him, and that is enough.  Is that what he is saying.  Look closely at what St. Paul says about the uncircumcised. 

26-27   Again, if an uncircumcised man keeps the precepts of the law, will he not be considered circumcised? Indeed, those who are physically uncircumcised but carry out the law will pass judgment on you, with your written law and circumcision, who break the law.

He is saying that the uncircumcised are keeping the precepts of the law.  He isn’t saying there are no rules that shouldn’t be followed or that there are no authorities or all you need is a relationship with Christ, he is saying that some people who aren’t circumcised and living out the teachings of the law in a more appropriate way than those that are circumcised.  It is like saying a non-baptized person is living out the Christian faith according to their works and intentions of their heart better than the baptized Christian.  And that person can be saved before the baptized person.  He is saying that the non-Catholic may be living a more Christian life than the Catholic that isn’t living out their faith.  He is not saying the law doesn’t exist or that it isn’t important, it is extremely important.  But you must be fully living it out in your heart, not just on the outside.  That is the important fact that St. Paul is pointing to and it is the same point Christ was making.  Christ didn’t say that when He was teaching about doing good on the Sabbath to ignore the law and rules.  He said to obey those that sit on the chair of Moses, those that have authority and do what they tell you, but don’t live like they live because they can be hypocrites.  You must follow the rules and give your life to God both inside and out.   


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