Saturday, April 30, 2011

April 30, 2011 – Number 8

The footnotes point out the difference between being consecrated, which was what happened to the priest, and being purified, which is what occurred for the Levites. I have heard of different things you can do to consecrate yourself for different task and heard of people consecrating their children. Here we see the distinction pointed out my God.

We also see the use of water to purify people from their sins, a foreshadowing of Baptism. I was thinking about that and how this sprinkling of water is related to our Baptism. After they are sprinkled with the water, then hands are laid on them and the animals to be sacrificed. We see that the water is not sufficient of itself but only in relation to the sacrifice. Our Baptism is on its own sufficient because it is joined and points to the Sacrifice made once and for all by Christ. That sacrifice was sufficient to provide the Grace for all Baptisms to come. You can see the transition of this movement when you look at this ceremony and compare it with what John was doing in the Jordan. John did not offer sacrifices when he was baptizing because he understood he was only a foreshadowing of what was to come. That is why he explained why he baptized with water, but one would be coming that would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire. Luke 3:16. But John does, I believe, understand that this baptism that he is performing is similar to what is described here in Numbers and that a sacrifice is necessary. That is why he says of Behold the Lamb of God. John 1:36. He understood that Christ was going to be the Sacrifice that would connect with Baptism.


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