June 26, 2011 – Hosea 10 - 11
Chapter 10 is all about reaping what you sow. God speaks to them about being a luscious vine with much fruit, but the fruit is bad fruit. As they have grown, they have set up alters and pillars to other gods. They have grown in size, but withered in morality. They take solace in their arms, not God. And God is going to wipe this wealth away. They will be swept away from their land and riches, their pillars torn down, and they will not have the land God promised. Yet, even in this prophesy of losing it all, God ask them to turn back to Him for it is never too late to seek His forgiveness.
Chapter 11, even after they will be sent away and suffer for their sins, the Lord ask how could he give them up. He has brought them up from nothing and taught them what they need to know and after this purging He will bring them back, those that repent.
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