Saturday, August 13, 2011

August 13, 2011 – Sirach 10

We get a lot on pride and the downfalls and the benefits of humility in this section of phrases of advise. What I found most interesting were the couple that talked about what happens to the nation that is lead by those that were prideful or the city that is lead by someone humble. The chapter makes it clear that the effect or attitude of the leaders will shape where the people will go. If you could use one of the terms to describe our leaders would you use humble or prideful. I think the clearest indication that something is wrong with our leaders is the sense that they will not do something that will hurt their re-election. It cannot get more selfish than this. If you are elected to make decisions, you are there to make what you feel are the best decisions. When you allow the future of your position effect your choice, you are no longer a leader, but a pawn. There is also the large interest groups that put money into the pockets of those in office to get their way other than what may be a better or the right way. I don’t think there are two things that hurt our government, or lack of governing, more than the large interest groups and the obsession with getting re-elected next time. Both take away from the person’s ability to do the job they were sent there to do.


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