Tuesday, August 02, 2011

August 2, 2011 – Philemon 1

Here we have another point that many non-Catholic Christians make against the Catholics that does not take the entire Scripture into context.  Matthew 23:9 says call no man father.  In this letter, Paul is saying he became a father to someone that was not his actual son.  Was Paul breaking Christ command or is it taken out of context to literally call no man father.  Does it make more sense that Christ was saying that you should not make anything in your life a priority over God. 

Some will say that Christ is talking about those in authority in the Church and that they seek titles for their own glory.  Christ is not saying that authority is bad, but that you must remain humble.  Christ never says to abolish authority or to not address those in authority as the are to be addressed, but to do what they say but not act as they act if they are not living what they preach. 


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