Wednesday, September 21, 2011

September 21, 2011 – Deuteronomy 7

I remember reading this before, I am not sure when, but the part about the conquering being a slow process because God does not want them to be overrun by wild beast. Not something you really think about when conquering people is what you do with the land you conquer. If you take too much too fast you are left vulnerable. Here, God says they will be vulnerable because the land left behind will become wild and untamed and wild animals will take control. With Napoleon and Rome it was stretching over so much land that they could not control the natives or were too far away from resources. For Hitler it was getting so much so fast that he ended up fighting on two fronts and his resources dried up. God not only understands how to help Israel conquer the land, but instructs them to do in a slow and methodical way so that they can maintain control over what is taken. I wonder if anyone has ever looked into writing a book about the Military Strategy of God.


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