Tuesday, October 04, 2011

October 4, 2011 – Daniel 8

Nothing is as close to Revelation and its bizarre images than Daniel. The description says that this is the end of times vision. But then it says that it is the Persians and Greeks as the ram and he-goat. If you consider Christ coming and changing the world, then I guess you could say it was the end of the world as they knew it. There are always descriptions of animals that are not quite normal, number of horns or too many eyes, and they are always very powerful. This one is a bit easier to follow. One animal is very strong and cannot defeated until one comes that is much stronger. Then the he-goat begins to weaken because of division, which is what happened to the Greek Empire at the end when it split into fragments and allowed for Rome to rise. Rome was at is ultimate power when Christ came, the “end” of the world in this vision, but I am not quite clear if Rome is any part of this vision.


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