Thursday, December 08, 2011

December 8, 2011 – Luke 22:54 - 23:17

I don’t know if there is anything more difficult to watch than a judge or jury who has their mind made up before they have heard anything. I guess it extends to us as well when we judge people before we know them. That is what is going on in the Sanhedrin. They brought Jesus in front of everyone just to get their wishes made “official”. They had no intention of having a fair hearing. Most things I have read places this trial at night so that not everyone would be there, only those that were conspiring to kill Jesus would attend. As we have seen before, not all Pharisees and scribes were out to get Jesus, so it would make sense that the conspirators would want as many people against them not to show. In the movie the Passion of the Christ, this scene has a few people calling out that the trial isn’t right and even Mary trying to get the Romans to stop it because it is so unusual.


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