Saturday, March 17, 2012

March 17, 2012 – 2 Timothy 3 – 4

Paul talks about finishing the race and winning and on the other hand talks about being delivered from harm. I was trying to work out the connection between him talking about being delivered from persecutions (3:11) and his acceptance of being poured out and his departure being at hand (4:6). What I came up with is the idea that follows with keeping treasure in heaven where moths cannot get to it or be wary of the one that can kill the soul, not the one that kills the body. Paul has been delivered from those that taught incorrectly or did not follow Christ. His soul was safe. He had run the race well and was going to finish having kept the faith. His delivery is from those that can kill the soul. He knows he is heading for a death of the body, but this is not fearful to him. He knows he is being delivered and that this will be a pouring out of his life for Christ, but he still recognizes that he has been delivered up from the dangers that could actually harm him, his soul.


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