Wednesday, March 07, 2012

March 7, 2012 – Joshua 23 – 24

The scene when Joshua is giving his last speech reminded me of John 6. We have Joshua letting the people know that they must obey the Lord and then they are given a choice. I never knew or remembered that part and I cannot think of a time that Israel has really been offered a choice like that. They are told they can go and leave the land and worship the other gods of the other lands and they would not have to follow the commands of the Lord. The reason it reminds me of John 6 is that is the chapter when Christ lays down what His followers must do. After hearing it, many of those that were following Christ left. Christ did not stop them because following must be done with your own free will. He turned to His Apostles and asked if they would leave to. Much like the Israelites, they answer that they will not leave because they know this is the Lord. By making that commitment they are accepting His rules and promise to obey His commands and suffer the consequences if they do not. How many Christians today say they will follow Christ but do not accept the commands He laid out. Much like the Israelites falter in following God, those Christians who do not follow Christ command’s are going down a path to exile from God.


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