Sunday, April 29, 2012

April 29, 2012 – Habakkuk 1 – 2:8

2:3 – If it delays, wait for it.  Here are the words of God for patience.  Here it is in response to the question of a faithful person asking God or questioning Him on His strategy on how He is dealing with Israel.  This question is being asked by someone who is trying to follow God and the answer is not something pleasing.  He is being told that Israel will go into exile and be conquered.  Israel has sinned and because of this, they will be punished.  I think sometimes we are confused because we ask God for help and we feel that we are obeying Him, but get frustrated with His answers.  God does not always give good news to those that ask for His help.  Here, the asker is given bad news.  This is what God was going to do.  It is when God gives us an answer that we do not want to hear that we must be patient and know that He knows best.  When I read “If it delays, wait for it”, I also thought about those that are against God and seeking maliciously to go against Him.  I think sometimes we see people like that prosper and go about with any sort of ill.  This, we must also be patient with.  Know that these things are allowed to test our faith, hope and love.  


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