Friday, August 31, 2012

August 31, 2012 – Job 14

The human life is so frail.  2-“Like a flower that springs up and fades”.  I know how frail flowers can be because I seem to be able to kill them regardless of how much care I give them.  You also get a sense of how frail life can be when your children are sick.  A bug is going through our house right now that brought Paul to tears in the middle of the night because it hurt so bad when he coughed.  I haven’t held him and rocked him to sleep for 2 years, but I did that night.  Noah has been hit really hard, not sleeping and constantly cranky (we think he is getting a tooth to top it off).  With the lack of sleep, Michelle is got sick and that makes it very hard to deal with a 1 and 3 year old.  Life is fragile, and this is only colds and ear infections.  Life can turn much worse in a heartbeat.  Do we really understand how fragile we are or does that only dawn on us that instant in slow motion when it is all taken away.  Pray that we realize it and live our life like we realize it before we don’t get that chance.


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