Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 11, 2012 – 1 Samuel 30 – 31

David and his band goes from almost being in a battle with Saul on the Philistines side to taking revenge for an attack on Israel and Saul’s kingdom.  It is just a very confusing time for David.  His king is his enemy but he still helps his kingdom.  Have we ever had times when up feels down and white looks black.  What do we do when things are so confusing and we are amid chaos.  Look to David’s example, he goes to God.  David leaves one scene into another and instead of making his own decision he consults with God.  (Granted, if God spoke directly to us and told us yes or no, things might seem clearer)  But God does speak to us.  Are we listening, or did we go to Him in the first place.  For those big decisions or those times of confusion, have we consulted God or have we only sought His help after making a go ourselves and making a mess of it. 

Saul and Jonathon come to such a quick end.  Especially Jonathon.  He is such a virtuous character that I would have hoped his death would have been more inspiring.  Instead he just dies with his brothers.  Saul ends his own life in the fashion of the coward he has transformed into.  If you notice, we tend to canonize those that die.  One example I can think of is Richard Nixon.  For most of my life, I don’t remember hearing many good things said about Nixon.  But when he died, the entire tone changed.  All his accomplishments were paraded out and is was as if he had done nothing wrong.  With that in mind, as Saul dies, I want to remember where he started.  He was the tall and strong defender of Israel that did God’s will, listened to Samuel, and didn’t want to be King.  Thus ends 1 Samuel. 


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