Wednesday, October 10, 2012

October 10, 2012 – Job 28

When we can measure out the sea or capture the wind, then we can know Wisdom.  How much of the world is beyond us and how much of the universe have we not even seen, let alone understood or grasped.  But humans still think we know it all, that God is a myth, that we control everything, or that everything is random.  How arrogant to make a statement about things unknown and feel you have the right answer, refuse to hear criticism, call other ignorant for not agreeing with you.  When scientist or other secularist do this today, they often look at Galileo as their fore father in going against the Church.  When you look into the Galileo situation closer, you will see they are more right than they know.  A scientist who feels he is the only right one, that all others need to agree with him, even though he cannot actually prove what he is saying and refuses to listen to any objections, that sounds right up modern secularist alley.


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