Wednesday, October 03, 2012

October 3, 2012 – Psalm 70 – 71

When I was reading 70:6 I had a thought of Star Wars when Princess Lea says “help me Obi Wan, you’re my only hope”.  It is funny what thoughts pop into your head when reading Scripture.  This is a Psalm about asking for help, and the tone is a desperate plea.  It makes you wonder whether Lucas had any knowledge of the Psalms when he wrote that line.  What if it was in his subconscious somewhere and bubbled up to bring itself onto the screen.  God works in mysterious ways. 

71:6 “On you I depend since birth, from my mother’s womb you are my strength”.  I don’t know if there is a number that someone has come up with, but there seem to be a lot of references to things being done while a child is in the womb.   I really don’t understand how a person can be for abortion in any sense and out of their mouth also say they believe what is in the Bible.  It is obvious that the child in the womb is a person and is able to have God give them strength.  Who are we to limit the notions of prayer.  God understands what we need before we need it.  Who is to say that the baby in the womb isn’t praying.  It is obvious that they have brain activity, we can’t limit God and say that He doesn’t understand what the baby is saying.  If the baby feels stress, God can hear the plea.  If the baby needs comfort, God can hear that.  The baby gets strength from God even in the womb.  How can you say you believe the Bible and still support abortion.


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