Thursday, November 01, 2012

November 1, 2012 – Catechism 1928 – 1933

Respect for life and the dignity of a human person is essential.  “By flouting them, or refusing to recognize them in its positive legislation, a society undermines its own moral legitimacy. If it does not respect them, authority can rely only on force or violence to obtain obedience from its subjects.”  How can a government that allows, even encourages, the killing the unborn or the euthanizing of the dying claim any kind of moral high ground when it goes out into the world and tries to stop tyranny.  The fact that the UN is pro-abortion takes away much of its credibility in any human rights legislation.  The fact that it, for the most parts, sides with China and its one child policies on population control shows where it lands in a moral sense.  If I were the leader of a nation that did not follow a Godly understanding of human rights, why would I listen to the US or the UN when it tells me to stop something they think is wrong.  When you fail to have a foundation in morality, you lose your footing as an evangelical for freedom, which is what the great American experiment is all about.   

This same message of morality extends to those that claim to be righteous because they seek to help the poor and the needy.  Those are righteous acts, but when you preach aid to the poor with one side of your mouth and destruction of the unborn with the other, your morality is unconvincing, your argument has not foundation, and you are the definition of hypocrisy.  The poor and the needy do need our help, but they are no less vulnerable than the unborn baby.  It is shocking that so many that promote gracious giving to the poor are so blind to the weak morality they produce by being pro-abortion at the same time.


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