Friday, March 01, 2013

March 1, 2013 – Catechism 2180 – 2183

There are so many Catholics that are not following their faith. Numbers in churches are down all over the country and in Europe. We think that this is a crisis of the universal church, but it is really only the Western European group. In many other locations the Catholic Church is flourishing. What if all Catholics actually went to church every Sunday. What would that look like. What transformation would that have on the Church, on the world. We are coming up on Easter when churches will be unusually full. Why? Do those C and E Catholics think that by going on Easter they are making up for all their missed masses. Do they think Easter is a special Holy day of Obligation. (It is because it is, because it is a Sunday, but it isn’t actually listed on the special holy days.) Easter is important and a special day, but how many of them understand that missing mass on purpose is a grave sin. If they understand that and do it anyway, then it is a mortal sin. How many go to Easter and receive communion without going to confession for all the masses they have missed since Christmas. That causes them to commit another grave sin. Easter is supposed to be joyous occasion celebrating a wonderful and salvific event. Lately, it just makes me sad to see all the people that fill the church on this one day and I wonder why they bother so much. If they can’t be bothered any other Sunday, why make the effort and do they understand that making the effort, without seeking forgiveness for the Sundays where they didn’t make the effort, they are actually piling more sin on. Pray for our C and E Catholics. Pray for a true conversion on their hearts and a longing for an increase in their understanding of the Catholic faith.


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