Saturday, February 23, 2013

February 23, 2013 – Ezekiel 27

I really couldn’t think of anything to write about Tyre until I started thinking about its destruction. God describes it as a place that was very wealthy and popular, where all merchants gathered and traded. What interest me is the way it is described as being destroyed. It isn’t attacked by another nation, it is destroyed like a ship, in other words, it sinks. That got me wondering if this is a Biblical reference to Atlantis, the famous city that sank beneath the waves. I don’t know much about Atlantis or when it was supposed to have been around, but I have heard that it was supposed to be in the Mediterranean, so that makes sense it would be in the Bible. When you read about a city that sinks into the sea like a ship wreck, the first thing that comes to mind is Atlantis, but I haven’t heard anything about Atlantis being in the Bible before.


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