Saturday, March 16, 2013

March 16, 2013 – Proverbs 7 – 8:11

In this world where our desires are all that matters and we must seek to fulfill them at all cost, we see how Solomon THE WISE saw this.  When you give in to your desires and go with the harlot to fulfill your pleasures, you are “like an ox that goes to the slaughter”.  How can we not see this as a nation, as a world?  How do we not know that living life for pleasure alone is destroying us?  When the discussion is about gay marriage, some try to argue against it because life should not be about fulfilling our every pleasure, that marriage is not about fulfilling our physical desires, that gay marriage will destroy the many reasons marriage has been defined the way it has and solely for the satisfaction of promoting physical pleasure over future stability and morals.  But I can’t say that.  I must be a hateful bigot if I don’t support physical pleasure and fulfillment of desires over everything else.  I am hateful to suggest repressing any feelings and to (God forbid) ask people to sacrifice something so that the world can be better off.  “Many are those she has struck down…leading down into the chambers of death”.  Why wouldn’t I want to support something like that.


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